Bitcoin Marketing Strategy

Successful Bitcoin Marketing often results from innovative businesses simply accepting payments to open up new niches. In last years, Bitcoin and other crypto currencies appeared and marked their territories, helping many businesses to grow too. Many companies benefit themselves with (almost) non-existent fees and (almost) inability to roll back transactions.

So, by accepting Bitcoin and other cryptos was a good challenge for some business. Let’s see some of them.

Bees Brothers

The story behind Bees Brothers foundation talks about three brothers learning how to create bees and farm honey. So, something started almost like a hobby became a money making opportunity. This eventually led to accepting Bitcoin for online purchases, being that it has no fees and is a very safe method for accepting payments (with no charge-backs), and their business exploded from there.

And, while that decision was very important to their business, it was important for own Bitcoin too, strengthening it. It is a win-win for everyone.


This big booking travel website started to accept Bitcoin as payment method too. They tout over 290,000 bookable properties. As of yet, airline tickets and car rentals are not able to be paid via Bitcoin, but they have stated that they are working on it.

Expedia didn’t publish how much Bitcoin acceptance impacted its revenue, but they affirm they traced some estimates before. And, according to company, by accepting Bitcoin brought results better than they expected.


Dell is a major computer company that pretty much everyone should already be familiar with. By accepting Bitcoin as a payment method brought more attention to – both your company and that crypto currency.

It’s hard to say exactly how their business accepting the coins is going to affect them, but it is important to take into consideration the fact that their clients largely include computer experts and other knowledgeable people. In other words, it’s hard to go wrong with accepting Bitcoin as a technology company.

As of yet, no information has been released as to what effects the move to accepting Bitcoin has had on Dell, though it is safe to assume it is going to at least be helpful. Even if the sales for the business don’t increase, every sale that happens through Bitcoin means less money is lost due to fees and fraud.

Why Bitcoin is Useful for Businesses

If you still have some doubt about accepting crypto currencies as payment method, maybe you didn’t understand the main motto. They offer reliable payments (that can’t be reversed or be found to be fraudulent), low fees (the acceptor pays absolutely nothing on their end) and quick transfers (there is no waiting for days or weeks to get the funds in).

So, it can increase productivity, profitability and security of any business. On top of this, all funds that are taken in are held by the businesses themselves, rather than having to wait for a third party to release (or not release) them.

As more and more businesses jump on board with Bitcoin, it will help push others to get in on it as well. And, consequently, it’s good for crypto community too, creating a real market around it – becoming it a real currency.

Unfortunately, many businesses didn’t realize the benefits of accepting crypto currencies like a payment method. But, it’s just a time’s sake, and while economy grows solidly, startups and old companies will realize that crypto transactions can be a great choice.