It isn’t news blogs are a good way to make money online. But, if you never wrote a post in a blog, it can look like really different, no? If you are starting now and you’d like to have your own profitable blog, don’t worry, you can get some good info about it on the web – and for free! Taking some simple but effective steps, you’ll get to accomplish your goals and create some passive income.
Trying something free or paid? Creating a blog isn’t rocket science, but you need take some decisions early, like opting for free blog platforms or host your own domain. Choosing a free alternative can be cheaper, but it can affect your long-term results. If you are thinking to make some money, Blogger is a good option to go and is a big “no-no”, because you can’t put ads or affiliate links easily. If you are starting or want to check potential revenue for a certain niche, you can find some value on free blog platforms. But with a paid approach, you can register your own domain, host and install WordPress there, so you’ll have more control over your blog. If you want to try this approach, install WordPress platform, some plugins and a nice theme and start to publish texts, videos, podcasts etc.
Time to choose a good niche! A blog talking about everything earns nothing – you need select and focus on a niche. How to choose a good niche? If you are trying to make money with Adsense, for example, opt for high competitive Adwords niches or if you will try to sell Clickbank products, you need select a really good product and explore user needs that product can assist for. Simple, but effective.
Fantastic posts make money. And if you want to make some money with your blog, you have to do it correctly. It doesn’t matter how much you complain because your blog doesn’t get traffic. No good content, no traffic. And there are several ways to get good content – but if you are starting now, I suggest you write it by yourself. And there are content generator softwares, of course. But I don’t consider it a good idea, because search engines can deindex your blog for low quality content. And if you already tried to read an autoblog post, you know it isn’t so readable. Use them to get an idea or write a draft and create your own content.
Promotion is key for success. Writing an incredible post isn’t enough, now you need spread around the world. Simply sitting and waiting won’t work, you need act. Everyone wants to read what you wrote, but you need help them to find it. One way to get work done is publishing hyperlinks in Twitter or Facebook. So, create your user account in Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest etc. and share it with your friends. With some good followers, a great content and a little of luck, your post will become viral and you’ll get some hundreds visits.
Blogging is a new black, when comes to making money online. We show some first steps here, but you are responsible for your journey. A profitable niche, good content and great promotion are keys for your success!