Your credit card offers you access to a world of possibilities. It can not only help you in making payments, but it can also help you to improve your credit score. If you make the payments on time and use your card wisely, you can improve your credit score by leaps and bounds. However, if the card is misused due to negligence or fraud, your credit history and score can be severely affected. Hence, it is important that you avoid being a victim of credit card fraud.
Here are 7 tips that will help you to avoid credit card fraud:
1. Do not disclose your credit card info – You should never disclose your card number, security code, expiry date and other details of your card to anyone. These details can be used to make fraudulent transactions and so you need to make sure that no one has access to them. Even if you get calls from people claiming to work for your bank, do not disclose your card info to them.
2. Keep your card safe – It is very important that you keep your cards safe and away from the reach of other people. Place your cards in a bag or wallet close to your body so that it cannot be easily snatched away. If you use a purse, make sure that it is properly zipped so that the cards do not fall off from your purse. Also, instead of carrying all your debit and credit cards with you all the time only carry those that you need.
3. Be cautious when using your card online – When you use your card to shop online, be careful and make sure that you only use it on websites that are legitimate and offer SSL encryption security for online payments. If the site does not provide adequate security, your card information can be stolen and the same can be used for identity theft or for making fraudulent transactions with your card.
4. Keep a track of your account – Opt for mobile and email alerts to keep a track of your credit card account all the time. In case of any unauthorized usage of your card you can report it to the bank immediately. You can also access your account online through electronic banking and make sure that you are aware of all the transactions made with your card.
5. Keep your PIN safe – When you swipe your card at merchant outlets to make payments, you will need to provide a 4 or 6 digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) to authorize the transaction. Make sure that you do not share your PIN with anyone or write it on any piece of paper as it can be stolen and misused.
6. Shred your statements and other documents – Shred your credit card statements and all other documents that have your card information on them. Your account information can be accessed online and all other details will be available on your card. Even if you forget your password, user ID or PIN you can get them reset by contacting the customer support team of your bank. Hence, it is important that you shred all possible documents that include information about your card.
7. Inform the bank if your card is lost or stolen – In case your card is lost or stolen, call the card issuing bank immediately and inform them about the same. The customer support representative of your bank will then guide to you to get the card blocked so any unauthorized usage of your card can be avoided. The representative will also inform you about the steps you need to follow to get a new card.
Apart from the above, you should also ensure that the supplementary cardholders use their cards wisely and are aware of the procedures they need to follow to safeguard your account against fraud.